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ESP8266 Smart Home Playground

ESP8266 / ESP32 Smart Home Playground

License: GPL v3 Build Status Codacy Badge

This is my ESP8266 / ESP32 smart home playground for self made floor heating sens and control units.

:warning: This project partly uses 230 V so be careful and hands off if you don’t know what you are doing.

Basic building blocks and technologies:

SW Built with PlatformIO in Visual Studio Code, some great Arduino libraries and ESP8266 Arduino

Circuit and PCB made with Target 3001







Arduino Libraries:

General Hints

See my Home Assistant configuration for the usage of these devices.

Since there is certain information in my software that I do not want everyone to know I located those in a single header file called config.h which is not part of the repository, and therefore the build will fail.

My config.h for building a thermostat SW contains the following information:

#define WIFI_SSID              "xxx"
#define WIFI_PWD               "xxx"
#define LOCAL_MQTT_HOST        "123.456.789.012"
#define LOCAL_MQTT_PORT        1234
#define LOCAL_MQTT_USER        "xxx"
#define LOCAL_MQTT_PWD         "xxx"
#define DEVICE_BINARY          "http://<domain or ip>/<name>.bin"

For Travis CI compatibility there is the script which generates the above mentioned dummy code.

Once connect to your WiFi, a website is served on port 80 allowing further configuration.


I started to think about new thermostats for my floor heating system while trying to find a good setting for each room with the analog thermostats only giving the range ice cold (0) to 6, whatever temperature that should be. So I thought about buying them but they were either expensive as hell or just didn’t have the functionalities I wanted, thus I decided to build them on my own.

Assembly parts


The schemnatic shows the wiring for all variants. The sensors DHT22 and BME280 are meant to be alternatives. Same applies to the Rotary Encoder and the Push Buttons for local control.


3D Printed Parts

will be added soon

